Monday, January 12, 2015

Client Testimonial - A Past Life Healing

I was going to write a new blog about a personal healing I experienced after the Winter Solstice - to follow up on that blog.  However, this amazing client testimonial was sent to me so I thought I would share it on my blog.  Gabrielle was brave to step up, confront the things that were holding her back in life....and to explore past lives to heal everything so that she can move forward and have the most wonderful life she deserves.  Bravo, Gabrielle!!  Love and Light, Betsie               

         Rev. Dr. Betsie Poinsett is an amazing healer and hypnotherapist.  I opted to purchase her recommended three hypnotherapy remote sessions because I knew I had some deeply rooted traumas I needed to address in order to move my life in the most positive direction possible.  At first, it was hard for me to justify spending a large amount on myself.  I am a mother of two small children, and it’s also hard to find the time to commit to taking care of oneself.  However, I just knew that this trauma in my soul needed to be addressed.  Having known Betsie for several years, and having had hypnotherapy with her before, I trusted she was just the person to help me release my past into the light.

          Wow!  During the transformative three sessions, I learned more about myself than I ever thought I knew.  I had been suffering from TMJ due to a recent car accident, and it was becoming quite painful and costly to deal with.  After the first session, the TMJ was completely gone!  I found myself able to relax more and I felt I was on the road to healing.

          Following the second session, I learned I needed to release much karma from a very intriguing past life and all it’s subsequent relationships.  Guided by Betsie, I time traveled into an infamous world and discovered I was a woman who was surrounded by treasures, but that I had also been falsely accused and executed.  Wow!  Thanks to Betsie’s special skills as a hypnotherapist, I was able to view this past life and pinpoint exactly what needed to be healed in this lifetime.

          By the time we had third session a month later, many of my physical ailments were already diminished.  My head and heart were also much more free and clear to be calm in the now.  We did some more work to tie up loose ends in a few past lives and released everything and everyone into the golden light with love. 

          A month after my last session, I am happy to report that I am so much happier and healthier than I have ever been before.  Thanks to Betsie’s incredible work, not to mention her flexibility and patience, I have been able to soar to new and higher levels of personal and collective bliss.  Thanks to the care, love, and magic Betsie puts into her work, I have shifted appropriately into a loving new world order.  I knew Betsie was good, but this time she blew my mind!

For anyone looking to dump all the baggage, jump into the light, and heal once and for all, I lovingly recommend they work with Rev. Dr. Betsie Poinsett.  I’m so glad I invested my time and energy into the three sessions.  They worked together like magic to make me happy, whole, and ready for the next adventure.  Thank you Betsie!

Love, light and infinite blessings,

Gabrielle Ellis Woods