Saturday, July 26, 2014

In Memory Of John Randolph Price

Dear Quartus Family,

I am writing to inform you of John's transition last night. His passing
was due to complications after a severe injury following a fall back in

His was peaceful as he passed and  was comforted by his daughters Leslie
and Susan by his side.

I saw him yesterday afternoon and was able to share with him the cover
design of his New Novel "Once and Once Again" to be released next month.
He smiled and was pleased.

John was a prolific author and teacher of 18 metaphysical books and 3
novels during his lifetime. He touched many of us through his writings
and teachings. He was our mentor and our friend.

He will be greatly missed physically, but we know he will continue to be
in our hearts and spiritually guide us and others along their path of
spiritual awakening. Quartus will continue to share his teachings and
wisdom and reach out to all that want to be a part of a family of
seekers and teachers.

May each of you be blessed with Love, for Love is truly the Power of the
Universe that brings us all together in Peace and Understanding.



I was stunned to hear of John's passing.  He and his wife, Jan, were important spiritual teachers and mentors to me.   I wrote Laura to express some of my recollections of them over the years:

Dear Laura, I have sent out your email to many friends to let them know about John's transition.  I am still processing it.  I wrote one friend about some of my experiences with John and Jan.  I thought I would forward the info to use in any way you feel appropriate or not.   Just some of my memories of them... 

John endorsed my book, Mothers Who Cry in the Night,  and put a link to my web site on his, he was always very supportive of me.   Once,  I was playing a tape of someone's teachings and my husband, Ed walked in the room and said he couldn't understand a thing the person was was John!!  I understood him perfectly!   Whenever I would listen to his tapes they would completely heal and transform me.  His book, The 22 Angels of the Kingdom, saved my life back in the late 80's - 90's. 

I was offered a "scholarship" to go to one of their classes in Texas.  Before hand, I was meditating...a face of a very old wise Chinese man came to me in meditation.  I didn't think much of it...just curious who it was.   Then at John's class, he was standing in front of the room, it was time for a break, as he stood there, he put his hands in front of him, palms together and kind of nodded to the group.  At that moment, the old Chinese man's face was superimposed over John's.  I was stunned, and it meant to me that John was a very very old soul, a wise man.  I went up to him and told him what I had seen, and then I said to him:  "You aren't of this world, are you?"  he gave me a big grin and nodded his head "no".  

He and his wife, Jan, were two of the most unpretentious people I met - in the spiritual world of leader's, etc. and I have met a lot of them!   At the same class, we had to all get up and dance around the room.  Jan kicked off her shoes...I looked at them and the bottom of one had a worn spot almost all the way through it...I laughed to myself...thinking how unaffected she was.....that really meant a lot to me. 

One more story about them...the reason I got the scholarship to the class is because about two months before my son Bennett's death I had written to tell them how much their works meant to me.  About a month AFTER his death, I got a letter from Jan (she didn't know he had died) in the letter she said she didn't know why, but she just knew she had to offer me a full scholarship to the next class.   It was a beautiful gift to me at a perfect time.  When I told her Bennett had died, she said no wonder she was led to offer me the scholarship. 

Love and light, Betsie

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Eyes Open, Wide Awake!!!!

Eyes Open, Wide Awake!!

By Dr. Betsie H. Poinsett

Eyes Open, Wide Awake!………..those words are the mantra of the hypnotherapist.   As I watch my clients slowly open their eyes many of them say, “No, don’t wake me up, I want to stay in that wonderful deep state much longer.”  I always laugh and tell them that is what every client wants to do – stay in that altered state for as long as possible.

I think back to the hundreds of cases I have facilitated, once a client told me that one of my sessions was the equivalent of seven massages.  I was most honored that he felt that way. Another wanted to meet her Spirit Guides and find out their names.  I didn’t even know “my” guides names, so the night before I talked to them and asked.  I was told “Mordecai!”  Mordecai I said in disbelief, what a weird name.  Can’t I have a guide named Michael, or Gabriel?  Then I researched Mordecai and found that he was a very very special biblical figure and I was quite honored to have him as a guide.  The next day my client was able to meet one of her guides – a female named Gladys, who shared a lot of information that helped us understand the soul contract she had chosen for this lifetime.  Introducing people to their angels and guides is one of my favorite things to do in a session.

Other sessions are for more “earthly” issues.  Passing Bar Exams, Real Estate Tests, High School Equivalency Tests (GED).  Healing health issues such as pain, recovering from surgery, lowering blood pressure, and even childbirth. 

I’m like a detective listening to every aspect of a client’s presenting problem and then finding the deep core of the issue for healing.  It seems to be my calling.  I can remember as a young girl I was always curious about hypnosis.  Recently I had my astrology chart done and right there in the chart it shows that I was BORN to be a hypnotherapist.   It was wonderful to have this validation and confirms why I feel so energized after every session.  I get just as much out of it as the client.

Hypnosis is not a game or a parlor trick.  Working with the subconscious mind should be taken very seriously.  It is 88% of our mind power, the “search engine” of all our beliefs and patterns.  The conscious mind represents our logic and reasoning (willpower) and is just 12% of our mind power. Only a highly trained hypnotherapist should be trusted with helping people change these patterns.  Always ask questions about a therapist’s training. One client called me on the phone just to “feel my energy” and hear my voice before she decided to make an appointment.  I thought that was very wise.  Everyone should use their discernment in choosing someone to work on them – not everyone has compatible energy.  

Now remember, as we count upward from 0 to 5 you will find yourself feeling physically relaxed, emotionally calm and with a positive sense of well being. Eyes Open and Wide Awake, Wide Awake!!!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Comments from Facebook - after posting about Bennett's Birthday 7/8/2014

Both of these beautiful testimonials were on Facebook today.  I think it's Bennett's gift to me saying "Mom, you are doing a good job".   Very touching and I am deeply honored, humbled.  
Roy tagged you in a post.
Roy wrote: "Monday I was visited by my dear friend and mentor Betsie Hensel Poinsett to put me back on track, with recovering and this morning, I can personally attest that I even FEEL much lighter, and more focused. I like to think of my Djing, not unlike the Shaman's trance, for healing, through dance, contemplation but always inward-seeking. She is responsible for clearing my path, and lightening my load, you might say. I highly recommend her as would a handful of my friends as well. Thank You Betsie. And thank you, my friends and family, for your support, and for seeking out her services, for healing yourself."
From Diana R. 
I loved your book, Mothers Who Cry in the  Night, your son's life and death were so much like my brother I was almost in shock when I was reading it. It was as if you had sat with my mother and she told you everything to write. We lived in Cleveland , Ga when he was killed. We lived Mt.Yonah foothills, so many memories flashed in front of me. Their lives sound so much alike it's just unreal. I Loved the book, Thank You!!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Remembering my son, Bennett Poinsett's, birthday - July 8 1976 - November 8, 1997

In Honor of my Son's Birthday today, July 8th, here is an 

Written by:  Rev. Dr. Betsie H. Poinsett

THE LAST TEST – “Look, Mom, I’m Free!”

This story wasn’t over yet.  I wondered how it would end.  Bennett is dead on November 8, 1997 3:35 PM brain dead from yet another car crash. His truck had crashed into a tree in the early morning hours the night before, he was rushed to the hospital, hanging onto life until we could get there to say the final good-bye.

He is finally FREE.  FREE to soar unlimited. In his death was the ultimate release and freedom for all three of us.  It was so clear that he never wanted to be here.  He was always striving to leave, pushing every boundary, exasperating us with every action.  But the gifts, oh the gifts that we see now. This time his angels must have said, “OK, enough is enough; come on home. We finally get the message. You want out of there.”

I was in Gatlinburg in my motel room when Ed called me at 6 am.   Bennett had been in an accident and it was very grave.  Immediately when I hung up the phone, my guides gave me a message that he was with the angels, but that he would wait until I got there to say good bye. I was shown a vision of all of his ancestors standing around his lifeless body as they waited for him on the other side.

After what seemed like the longest drive of my life, we finally arrived at the hospital at 2:00 PM.  I immediately put my amethyst crystal on him and sent the healing energy from my hands into his body, just like I had done in his first DUI accident.

But this time I kept telling him that he had our permission to go to the light. “It is your choice,” I said.  I only wanted him back if he could be transformed; because the pain of watching him in these last few weeks was so agonizing I knew I couldn’t take it much longer.  And now the finale.

Ed and I were around him and sending our love.  I touched his face to stroke his cheek and, just as in life, he shook me off.

Ed rubbed his feet and he clearly moved his legs as if to say, “Stop it; leave me alone” - just as he had always done to us in the past. And then he died.  We joined hands and Ed recited the 23 Psalm. 

Bennett’s wishes were that we donate his organs and so we did.   When that happens they keep everything going with machines until the organs can be taken so it looks like they are still alive.

My mind kept asking: “Is he really dead?  How do you know? What have I done? Could he have revived?  I believe in miracles, would this be one?"

I insisted on waiting for the neurosurgeon.  He was in surgery and I had to wait over an hour.  But I had to know. I had to be shown that he was dead.   He tested and showed me.  They took him off the respirator and after 4 minutes it was still a flat line – no brain waves, either.  I knew I had to see that proof to really know.  If I hadn’t seen that for myself I would have always wondered.  I didn’t want to wake up in the middle of the night for the rest of my life wondering if I had done the right thing.

The ICU staff said they had never seen a family act like we did.  They were really inspired by our attitude and our faith, especially because we gave him permission to die to go on, to be free.    When I told one nurse that he was exactly where he wanted to be, she said she got chills. Yes, confirmation that it was true. We finally left the hospital at about 7:30 PM and started the long drive home.

My dear friend Kitty said his energy form came to her at about 8:00 PM, the lights started flickering, the phone started ringing and yet no one was there when they picked it up.  She suddenly realized that Bennett’s spirit was there, scared and confused.  She calmed him down and helped him understand that he was on the other side and it was OK.    He had created this and now he was experiencing what it was like to be on the other side.  She told him he had a choice to go back into his body if he wanted to. I pictured him saying, “I don’t know where my body is, but I’ll be damned if I’ll go back! I worked too hard to get over here."

She encouraged him to find his friend Tom who was flying home from Japan.   Bennett told Kitty, “Oh yes, I have already visited him!”  And at exactly 3:30 Tom said he felt someone’s spirit come to him while he was on the plane! 

I found out that his organs were taken at 11 am the next day, which helped me realize that he had had plenty of time to go back into his body if he wanted.  Almost 15 hours.  It wasn’t like they had taken his organs in 20 minutes.  It comforted me to know that he had that time and had made the decision to be free. 

He was clearly visiting many people.  He was so happy to be free, soaring and at peace at last. My friend Pam felt him earlier that day, just after Ed had called me in the morning.  She was taking a shower and looked out the window and saw a cloud – the only one in the sky!  She felt it was Bennett’s soul and after that her doorbell rang and no one was there.  We knew it had been Bennett.

As I’d always loved watching the mist form above the lake outside our house, it was not odd to find me doing so in the early morning hours following his death.    Standing by the window overlooking the lake, I was remembering how he had managed to walk defiantly away from eight similar accidents without a scratch on him---but not, I thought to myself, was he able to this time.  By now I understood Bennett had been one of those children beginning to be known as “Indigo.”  He hadn’t felt anyone really liked or understood him, had stretched every boundary, had indeed been a proverbial “wild child.”  I had also come to the understanding that throughout Bennett’s 21 years of tumultuous life experiences, all of my spiritual beliefs had been challenged and re-evaluated.  It had been at times “pure hell,” but rather than having “gone off the deep end,” as I had often thought I might, in the end I had actually grown tremendously in spirit and in fact had been quite transformed.

It had been a long and sleepless night and I now sat comfortless in our living room watching the mist begin to rise above the lake.  As it took shape, a soft, quiet voice within began imploring me, “Get up!” it urged.  “Really, look at that mist.”  I stood up and went to the window to get a better view, and immediately realized it truly was like no other I had ever seen.  Rather, it was like looking at one of those Magic Eye pictures.  Inside the mist shapes began to form.  I saw that they were angels who rose up and moved forward.  Then came the spirits of all the children Bennett had known---all who had died before he had---moving elegantly in a free form slow dance. (Bennett had lost over 25 friends to death between 1991-1997, all from accidents, drug overdose or suicide)  One by one they rose above the mist, with arms graciously moving in the air.  They seemed to luxuriate in their freedom.

Suddenly, soaring off above them, I recognized Bennett!  He held the form of a dragonfly--- his chest arched out, his head reared proudly back, as he led the way for the others. Again I heard a voice from within, this time his.

“Look, Mom, I’m Free!” he proclaimed with utter abandonment.

And indeed he was.  I stared wide-eyed, then blinked several times and stared again, completely mesmerized by the amazing scene unfolding before my eyes.  The angels continued their upward spiral---higher and higher as more and more spirits collected themselves underneath until they billowed out across and above the water.  One after another, each paraded in front of me as I watched from the window.  Besides the angels, Bennett, and the spirits of his deceased friends, there also rose and came buffalo, men on horseback and Native American Indians.  Their magnificent procession lasted for over 30 minutes.  Several times during the process, I turned away and closed my eyes, then turned back quickly, just to see if the images would still be there.  And each time, they were.  I was not hallucinating.  It was happening just as I saw it.  The realities of life here on Earth and the after-life Bennett was entering were converging right in front of my very eyes.

Suddenly I thought about the Native American Vision Quest Bennett had made in 1996, during which time he had taken three days to find what was called his “animal totem.”  It had been a dragonfly and had forever remained his “trademark,” to some, even his nickname.  I remembered the magnificent blue dragonfly he had tattooed on his chest—the same chest I had just seen proudly beckoning the others to follow him across the sky! Totally aware of the supernatural spiritual implications my son was now revealing to me, as I also remembered how, my own dragonfly research had taught me that a “dragonfly” is often called upon to guide one’s spirit through “mists of illusion into the path of transformation.”  Here now before me were both the mist and the transformation!

My thoughts were interrupted as Ed came into the room.  Grabbing his arm, I said, “Look quickly.  Can you see those spirits on the lake?”

“Yes”, he replied, his eyes opening as wide as my own.  “I can see them quite clearly.”

Together we stood watching, unable to speak, until slowly each manifestation faded away.  It was then that I understood the most amazing thing:  this whole spectacular event had been Bennett’s most extraordinary gift to us.

“Ed,” I said.  “He knew how badly we needed to know he was okay.  He was showing us he was much more than that.  Our son was completely, infinitely happy and free—and very, very proud that we knew it.  For once and for all, Ed, he is really and truly free.”

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Hypnosis Helps Improve Sleep


A new study published in June 2014  (by a team of Swiss researchers led by a bio-psychologist from the Psychological Institute of the University of Zurich) finds that hypnosis improves deep sleep.   After listening to a sleep-promoting audio tape containing hypnotic suggestion, participants who were suggestible to hypnosis spent two-thirds less time awake, and about 80 percent more time in deep sleep compared to those who slept without the hypnotic suggestion.   

The study claims to be the first to assess via measure of brain wave
activity, the beneficial impact hypnosis has on deep sleep which is
considered to be the most restorative sleep.  Also, the researchers noted that deep sleep has a beneficial impact on memory, the immune system, and cell repair.  

To explore how hypnotic suggestion might help improve deep sleep, the Swiss team enlisted 70 healthy Swiss women aged 18 to 35. All participated in a series of five in-laboratory experiments, successively staged once a week or five weeks.

For more information, see:

Experience a Day of Peaceful Tranquility

 Escape to the North Georgia Mountain to experience a day of magic and wonder to help you transform into a self-sustained being and learn the art of self-nurturing.

9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. with your host, Rev. Dr. Betsie Poinsett, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist for a full day of:

Personalized Transformational Hypnotherapy Session
Flower Essences
Chakra Balancing
Pendulum & Dowsing instructions

($200 includes lunch and sessions)

 Just added:  Walk my new Chakra Tree Path in the woods or 706-754-0999

Additional options:  Healing Massage and Overnight Accommodations